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Economic Daily

Release Date:2012-9-27 15:25:48 Browsing Times: 2834

Recently, by the State Ministry of science and technology of China Ordnance Industry Group North of materials science and Engineering Research Institute of Ningbo assumed by the 863 project " high-quality aluminum alloy welding and laser welding technology research " to carry out the inspection, after the question, discuss, acceptance of the expert group that subjects completed the contract research content, reach the evaluation index, agree with the project passed the acceptance.

The project project in 2009, Ningbo is the first independent commitment to the project 863, courtyard, leader and project groups attach great importance, strict project management, according to the time schedule all of the contents of the study. Research on the project, through high-quality aluminum alloy materials processing technology and component of aluminum alloy laser welding technology, welding the aluminum alloy structure for automobile door for typical components, high-quality aluminum alloy welding wire and laser welding technology laid the foundation, and through the project development training exercise related major technical personnel.

Source: Internet

Contact:Mr.Andy Qi
Tel:0086 515 86020219
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Address:No.201,Zhenbei Rd.,Panhuang Town,Yancheng City,Jiangsu Province,China